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Shadow Work
certification training

(for therapists)

What: 8 weeks of theoretical and practical training in shadow therapy, drawing from seminal work of Jung, Freud, Tantric principles, and ancient medicine. This training is intended for educators, therapists, leaders, healthcare providers, consultants, and personal/professional coaches.

Where: Virtual/Online

When: Start 7/24/2024, 8 weekly 2.5h Zoom Classes

Group Course: $2685 USD

Shadow Integration
Practitioner Training Diploma


Answer The Call...

My Love... it's time to heal your Shadow Self.

Do you crave to help people but don't feel you deserve to? Do you wish to feel good about who you are rather than how you look or what you've done? Do you crave a reason to live, not just an excuse to survive? Do you wish for connection, intimacy, health, pleasure, and levity? Do you desire creativity and self-expression? playfullness and lightness without feeling awkward or pathetic? Are you ready to invite in support rather than a feeling of starvation? Acting from energy of abundance rather than lack? Are you seeking the meaning of your life and your purpose for existence rather than just struggling to survive?

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